Re-Paint Your Garage Door in 5 Easy Steps

re-paint your garage door in 5 easy steps

Is the face of your garage door fading, chipping, or rusting? Over time, harsh weather elements can really take their toll. The good news is that you can make your garage door look new again with a fresh coat of paint. It’s a simple, inexpensive fix, but it can easily be bungled. So, below you’ll […]

What Happens If You Put Off Garage Door Maintenance?

Garage Door Maintenance

While your garage door serves an undeniably vital function, it is often overlooked with regard to maintenance. Homeowners tend to ignore the importance of a garage door’s functionality until an issue arises. However, garage door maintenance is very simple and can prevent a variety of inconvenient issues from occurring, including:

Zen and the Art of Garage Door Maintenance


Regularly maintaining your garage door can preserve its lifetime, save you money and, most importantly, keep everyone in your home safe. On average a garage door lasts 20 years. It will only be reliable though if it is well maintained. If not properly maintained, one risk includes a garage door spontaneously falling down on a […]